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Here is Mr Ritchie practising his catching skills at home. All he needed was a ball, a wall and a partner. If you don’t have any balls at home, try and find something similar that is safe to be thrown and caught!


All of the activities that Mr Ritchie has shared can be made easier or harder, here are some ways to change it up:

  • Do it slowly to make it easier, do it quicker to make it harder

  • Do it closely to make it easier, do it further away to make it harder

  • Focus on just one of the skills at a time if you are finding it tricky, try and do all the skills in a row without making a mistake for a challenge

  • Do some timed challenges to test yourself, see how many times you can do each of the skills in the video in 1 minute. Then try and beat your best score!


Hopefully you can find some time to practise your catching skills each day!

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